supporting Rebekah Massie – Case CLOSED!

“The actions of Skip Hall, the mayor of Surprise, AZ, and the Surprise Police Department, which led to the unjust silencing and arrest of Rebekah Massie, a member of You Are The Power, have sparked intense, nationwide scrutiny. Rebekah’s arrest was based on a local government policy that regulated free speech, political speech, and speech content.
No branch of any federal, state, or local government should ever attempt to control the content of one’s speech. The First Amendment of our Constitution protects the free discussion of government affairs, regardless of any disagreements that may arise.
This fundamental principle, universally accepted, was disregarded by Mayor Hall and the Surprise Police Department, as evidenced by their unjust actions.
With the stroke of his pen yesterday, Justice of the Peace Gerald A. Williams reminded Surprise government officials that Rebekah should not have faced criminal prosecution for expressing her views at a city council meeting.
Rebekah’s criminal charges were dismissed with prejudice in the interest of justice.
Thank you to those who sent emails to Surprise government officials supporting Rebekah.
YOU Are The Power.”