Standing with Charleston, Arkansas

Standing With Charleston: A Community’s Fight for Respect

In the small town of Charleston, Arkansas—home to just 2,600 people—residents are facing a battle they didn’t choose. Without their knowledge or input, the Arkansas Department of Corrections and the Governor decided to build a 3,000-bed prison right in their backyard, purchasing 800 acres on Mill Creek Mountain in secret. 

The townspeople, organized as the Franklin County & River Valley Coalition (FCRVC), are taking a stand. They’re fighting to protect their community from a project that will not only devastate their town but also cost Arkansas taxpayers billions—far beyond the $470 million approved. Studies show there are better, more cost-effective locations, but the voices of Charleston have been ignored. 

Governor Sanders herself promised: 

 “I am committed to working with community members throughout the prison construction process as we invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Franklin County and create hundreds of recession-proof, good-paying jobs.” 

Now, we’re calling on the Governor to honor her word. Meet with the residents of Charleston. Hear their concerns. Respect the people who call this community home. 

At You Are The Power, we believe in human respect and the power of people to create change. The residents of Charleston are demanding transparency, accountability, and a government that listens to its people. Their fight is about more than stopping a prison—it’s about standing up for what’s right and ensuring decisions are made with the people, not against them. 

You can make a difference. Stand with Charleston. Share their story. Join their fight for justice. Together, we can hold those in power accountable and protect the dignity of every community. 


Here's how you can help

Contact the Governor's Office

We have provided multiple options for you to contact the Governor’s Office, since there is not a direct email contact method. We invite you to utilize any, or all of these methods when respectfully expressing your opposition to the building of the prison. A template letter is included at the end for your use.

Mailing Address:

500 Woodlane St.
Little Rock, AR 72201

Phone Number: 

(501) 682-2345

Governor’s Office Online Contact Form:

Sample Letter:

Governor Sanders,

It has come to our attention that there are plans to construct a 3,000-bed prison in Franklin County. This proposal has raised significant concerns among your constituents regarding its potential impacts on the community, as well as the financial and staffing challenges it may pose. In light of your direct promise to “work with the community” on this project, we urge you to engage openly with the people of Franklin County to address their questions and concerns. 

At the heart of good governance is respect for the people you serve. By taking the time to meet with your constituents, you can honor their trust in your leadership and ensure that this project reflects their needs and values. Human respect begins with listening, and this project presents a unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to transparency and collaboration. 

You Are the Power (YATP) and the Franklin County & River Valley Coalition (FCRVC) respectfully request a meeting to discuss the concerns raised by the community. Hearing directly from those impacted would allow for a meaningful dialogue that fosters mutual understanding and could help address apprehensions about the project. Your leadership in this matter would not only affirm your dedication to your promise but also set a powerful example of how public officials can work hand-in-hand with their constituents. 

We understand that your schedule is demanding, but we believe this conversation is vital to ensuring that decisions of this magnitude are made with care and consideration for all involved. Thank you for your time and attention, and we look forward to your response. 

Get The Details

The Franklin County & River Valley Coalition (FCRVC) stands against the proposed prison, dedicated to preventing the construction of a new 3,000-bed prison on Mill Creek Mountain, in Franklin County Arkansas. Their mission is to stop this project, utilizing legal representation to address the issues surrounding the secretly selected site and project. The coalition is committed to ensuring that community voices are heard.

By leveraging legal representation and engaging in legislative advocacy, the coalition challenges the prison’s construction on legal, economic, social, and ethical grounds.

They aim to emphasize the long-term implications for the entire state of Arkansas. Through collaboration with local leaders, legal representation, and lawmakers, FCRVC will work to ensure that the Arkansas government operates with integrity, efficiency, and transparency, and that any decisions affecting a community involve elected officials, citizens, and surrounding communities. They demand the Arkansas government work for them and not against them.

Contact info:

Facebook: Franklin County & River Valley Coalition

Email FCRV


Via GoFundMe

Via mail or in person through Simmons Bank:

Donations can be mailed to Simmons Bank Charleston at

PO Box 128

Charleston, AR 72933

Donations can be dropped off at the Simmons Bank branch in Charleston for the FCRVC account.

Please make checks payable to FCRVC

help us fight for human respect!


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