Request our Assistance

You Are The Power is a membership-based, grassroots nonprofit operating in all fifty states that helps individuals, families, and smaller organizations harmed by government overreach, even when other organizations cannot.

Please let us know how government overreach has adversely impacted you.
We will contact you if your request meets the case acceptance criteria below.

1. Is the issue local? (Not a national political subject)
2. Is the request factual? (Can independent investigative measures corroborate its validity?)
3. Is there a victim? (Does an individual, family, or smaller organization need assistance).
4. Will it garner the empathy and support of others? (Would you care enough about the issue to join or lead a movement in support?)
5. Is there a feasible solution to this cause? (Would you be able to demand that government officials do something about this that is a realistic solution?)
Is this request currently in litigation
Have you consulted or retained an attorney?