“My husband and I were wrongfully accused of child abuse. I don’t exactly remember how I found You Are The Power or how we connected, but we did, and there are no words to express how thankful I am. I do however remember my first phone call with Ryan. I was standing in my parent’s bathroom, breaking down in tears explaining our story and the path we were walking. Ryan listened to me, comforted me, validated every emotion I was having, and towards the end of the phone call he told me something I will never forget “your kid is our kid now, your family is our family now, and your fight is our fight now.” How comforting it was to have someone in your corner during a journey that you felt so alone. Fast forward, Ryan sat next to me after I gave a speech at a committee meeting for a second opinion law in the state of GA, he hugged me and held me as they announced they wanted to name this law after my son, my baby boy. He cried right next me. You Are The Power holds such a special place in my heart. Through the darkest time of my life, they showed up and fought right alongside my family without hesitation. Thank you, You Are The Power. My family is so grateful for your dedication to Human Respect and for your dedication to The Truth. We wouldn’t be here today without any of you. Family forever! ”
“Be Kind Be Greats encounter with You Are The Power has been phenomenal and beyond. Our organization recently experienced bring greeted by the police in Columbia, SC by The City of Columbia Police Department. We were told we could no longer serve and warned of fines etc if we continued.
You Are The Power was made of aware of the video surfacing of the encounter and immediately stepped in to assist. Traveling to and from to support our cause. Rallies on behalf of our serving efforts and facing the Mayor and City County members. You Are The Power have taken every step along the way. We’re now back serving after taking almost a 2 month break for providing food and needs to the unhoused.
We’re 110% sure it’s because of the support, knowledge and continuous support from You Are The Power founder, team and staff. We’re beyond appreciative and look forwards for changes to come in Columbia, SC for serving our unhoused children.”
“I have long believed that private charities are the best way to meet the needs of the people. Government is simply not equipped to handle charitable projects appropriately. 1 in 3 American children do not have adequate diapers and government programs such as WIC and SNAP cannot be used to purchase diapers. Therefore, Grace Place seemed like a great way for our church to step in to help children and families; we opened our doors in June of 2015.
To date, we have provided diapers and diapering necessities to nearly 5,000 children in our sub-rural area. We do not have residency or income requirements – our program exists solely to help babies and toddlers. We believe every child deserves the dignity of clean diapers, regardless of the circumstances of his or her birth. Grace Place is a grassroots program that is supported 100% through private donors. We do not receive local, state, or federal taxpayer funds. When You Are the Power reached out and asked if they could highlight our program, we were thrilled (and, admittedly, a little star struck!).
Everyone we were in contact with at You Are the Power genuinely wanted to share our story and help the children we serve. When they highlighted our program, we received several cases of diapers and wipes as well as several hundred dollars in monetary donations. We were, and remain, grateful that You Are the Power works to highlight smaller grassroots organizations that are often overlooked in favor of larger corporatized non-profits.“